This is the abstract for your specification.

You need to have a custom SotD paragraph. Maybe give a succinct description of your spec's status.

Scope and Motivation

Organization of this Document

User Stories

Posting a Note

  1. Eric writes a short note to be shared with his followers.
  2. After posting the note, he notices a spelling error. He edits the note and re-posts it.
  3. Later, Eric decides that the information in the note is incorrect. He deletes the note.
Social WG wiki version

Reading Recent Posts

  1. Iris finds a comment by Sam on one of her photos funny. She'd like to read more posts by Sam.
  2. Iris reads the latest notes by Sam. She also reviews his latest photos.
Social WG wiki version


  1. Delano meets Beth at a company meeting. They are both user interface designers. He finds her ideas interesting.
  2. Delano follows Beth on their company social network.
  3. Beth posts a photo from a whiteboarding session at a company retreat.
  4. Delano sees the photo in his inbox stream.
  5. Ted, Delano's coworker, wants to find new people to follow. He looks at the list of people that Delano follows. He finds Beth in the list, reads her stream, enjoys it, and decides to follow her, too.
  6. Beth posts frequently. Delano is having a hard time reading his inbox stream because Beth's activities drown out everyone else's. He stops following Beth.
Social WG wiki version


  1. Jake is bored at work. He checks his social inbox stream to see what his friends, family, and coworkers are up to.
  2. Jake sees in his social stream a note by Tammy about her new apartment. Tammy is his friend.
  3. Jake sees in his social stream a photo by Edith from her concert last night. Jake follows Edith but Edith doesn't know Jake. Edith has thousands of followers.
  4. Jake sees in his social stream a video from Damon. Damon and Jake are both in the "Boxing Fans" group. Damon posted the video to the group.
  5. Jake sees in his social stream a sound file from Carol. Carol is Jake's wife. The sound file is a reminder to stop for groceries after work. Carol posted the sound file only for Jake.
  6. Jake sees in his social stream that his friend Tammy has added a new friend, Denise. Jake remembers Denise from high school. Jake requests to add Denise as a friend, too.
Social WG wiki version

Direct Messaging

  1. Kyle wants to tell Lisa something privately.
  2. Kyle sends her a message that no one else can view.
  3. Lisa is notified she has a message.
  4. Lisa reads the message and responds privately.
Social WG wiki version

Adding Recommendations to Bestpoke Software

  1. James maintains an application for managing architectural designs
  2. Maggie, a senior architect would like to recommend many of the better designs
  3. James uses an existing liking service which allows him to post any recommendations, to provide this
  4. This service also allows James to present existing likes for the design in question
  5. Maggie gets to like specific designs, and her followers see these as do viewers of these designs
  6. James achieves this with a simple inclusion on the associated web page, but could have chosen a more detailed integration if greater control was needed over the user interface
Social WG wiki version

Adding Comments to Bestpoke Software

  1. Maria, an IT Architect, has been tasked with encouraging better collaboration on the development of her companies Industrial Processes
  2. As these processes are tightly controlled (though generally visible) an associated discussion and evangelisation capability is required
  3. Maria integrates with an existing comment capability to store and retrieve comments rather than redeveloping
  4. May-Ling sees the comment area with the Processes and suggests changes, as she herself does not have rights to update
  5. The process owner gets a notification that someone has commented on this Process
  6. Followers of both the Process owner and May-Ling will see this comment event
  7. Maria achieves this with a simple inclusion on the associated web page, but could have chosen a more detailed integration if greater control was needed over the user interface
Social WG wiki version

Use Cases


Functional Requirements

Non-Functional Requirements


Many thanks to Robin Berjon for making our lives so much easier with his cool tool.